Mipros.org | distribution d'eau

a/s Jean Closter Julien
Directeur exécutif
Boîte postale 15719
Port-au-Prince, Haïti

Tabarre 46,
Blvb 15 Oct.,
Port-au-Prince, Haïti

(509) 4162-5445

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questions and answers

Since when are you in existence?
We started in January 1997.

How did you come to start MIPROS?
Taking into account the situation of poverty of the Haitian communities, a group of young people (intellectuals with different skills, community leaders, etc.), took the initiative to put in place a structure where they can help them to get a better life.  After discussions, we created this organization called MIPROS.

How are you funded?
Apart from the small contribution of the MIPROS’ members and other foreign entities, the majority of our funds (85%) come from Spanish benefactors such as: Anesvad, Cives Mundi, Manos Unidas. Funding is under projects presentation renewable annually. Sometimes we receive donations directly from individuals who contribute to strengthening our activities in the field.

Do you work in collaboration with International Organisations?
We work with Cives Mundi, Anesvad, two spanish institutions.

How many people work for MIPROS?
Actually we have 12 people working for MIPROS. Because of the economic crisis we were obliged to reduce the staff from 25 to 12. Sometimes we hire consultants for one or three months.

Can you give out an estimate of how many volunteers help out?
We have 10 volunteers who give their service to MIPROS on an ad hoc basis.

Where are they situated?
We have 4 in the southeast region and 6 in the west department.

How do you select them?
On an interview basis performed by the Administration and sometimes, they are recommended by state institutions.

I was thinking going to Haïti to help out. Would you an individual or a group?
A group can be helpful but we are open to receive individual resources.

Is MIPROS an 8 to 5 occupation or is it a 24 hours service to the community?
We work 8 hours a day. But sometimes we work 24/24, for example after the earthquake.

How do you select your projects?
On a community diagnostic basis. We organize community meetings with people (community leaders, religious, local authorities, etc.). We make an evaluation before writing the projects.

What is your next big project?
Potable water to be given to the people of Cayes-Jacmel.

Is there a committee to manage the funds?
The funds are managed by the project team (MIPROS Administration, Coordinator, etc.). We report (narrative and financial reports) to the donors/benefactors on a quarterly basis.

Is MIPROS still useful since it’s been a long time since the earthquake?
Haiti is a country with great needs. After the earthquake the situation became worst. Our actions are very useful. We have a lot of requests for support/help that we can’t fit up to now.

What are immediate needs?
Food security – Potable water – health – Education Environmental management, etc.

What are the minimum donation?
The minimum donation is what people feel like contributing (anything can be helpful). But the more they donate, the more we can save lives.

How can I help?
By sending your donation via bank transfer, mail and/or legacy.


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FIGHT poverty by empowering us to help the people of haiti.together we can save lives!